Friday, January 13, 2012

Winter Recess

It's been a good long while since my last post. The run up to the end of the year got pretty crazy. Kelly and I celebrated Christmas in Anchorage a week before the real thing. We spent Christmas, New Years, and the first week of January back on the East Coast. It was a marathon trip, but we caught up on the sorely needed family and friend time.

Kelly's mom's coolest decoration.
I've never felt so popular as this trip home. I guess it's true that absence makes the heart grow founder. Everyone wanted to hang out (I suspect with Kelly, but I'll take what I can get). Operating from a base at my sister's house we made almost daily trips to see family and friends. Our visits took us to 8 different states (if you count layovers in Chicago, Illinois and buying beer in Maryland). We caught up with mentors, former coworkers and friends we haven't seen since our wedding - a lifetime ago in May, 2011.

My sister got a sweet Flyers hat for Christmas
 There's nothing quite like Christmas at home. Although there was no snow, and certainly no mountains, it was great to be Levittown. When we got back up to Anchorage, we quickly caught up on the snow we've missed. Stay tuned for an update on our snowy winter.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you guys back east! Hopefully you'll still be in AK by the time we're able to get out there :)
